Atuisoq:PK2/Liste over lande
Afghanistani - Albanieni - Algerieti - Amerika (see Naalagaaffeqatigiit) - Andorra - Angola - Antigua and Barbuda - Argentina - Armenia - Australieni - Østrigi - Azerbaijan
Bahamas - Bahrain - Bangladesh (formerly East Bengal) - Barbados - Hvideruslandi - Belgia - Belize - Benin - Bermuda - Bhutan (formerly under the Suzerainty of India) - Bolivia - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Botswana - Brazil - Brunei - Bulgaria - Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) - Myanmar (formerly Burma) - Burundi
Cambodia - Cameroon - Canada - Cape Verde - Central African Republic - Chad - Chile - People's Republic of China - Republic of China (Taiwan) - Colombia - Comoros - Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) - Republic of the Congo - Costa Rica - Côte d'Ivoire - Kroatia - Cuba - Cyperni - Tjekkia
East Timor - Ecuador - Egypteni - El Salvador - Equatorial Guinea - Eritrea - Estlandi - Ethiopia
Fiji - Finlandi - Frankrigi - Savalimmiut
Gabon - The Gambia - Georgia - Tysklandi - Ghana - Grækenlandi - Grenada - Guatemala - Guinea - Guinea-Bissau - Guyana
Iceland - Republic of India (formerly as British Indian empire) - Indonesia - Irani - Iraki - Irlandi - Israel (formerly part of Palestine) - Italia - Ivory Coast (see Côte d'Ivoire)
Kazakhstan - Kenya - Khalistan - Kiribati - Korea - Korea, North - Korea, South - Kuwait - Kyrgyzstan
Laos - Latvia - Lebanon - Lesotho - Liberia - Libya - Liechtenstein - Lithuania - Luxembourg
Republic of Macedonia - Isle of Man - Madagascar - Malawi - Malaysia - Maldives - Mali - Malta - Marshall Islands - Mauritania - Mauritius - Mexiko - Federated States of Micronesia - Moldova - Monaco - Mongolia - Montenegro - Morocco - Mozambique - Myanmar
Namibia - Nauru - Nepal - The Netherlands - New Zealand (Aotearoa) - Nicaragua - Niger - Nigeria - Niue - North Korea - Norge
Pakistan - Palau - Palestine (See "State of Palestine") - Panama - Papua New Guinea - Paraguay - Peru - Philippines - Poleni - Portugali - Puerto Rico
Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Samoa - San Marino - São Tomé and Príncipe - Saudi Arabia - Senegal - Serbia - Seychelles - Sierra Leone - Sikkim - Singapore - Slovakia - Slovenia - Solomon Islands - Somalia - Afrika Kujalleq - South Korea - Spain - Sri Lanka - Sudan - Suriname - Swaziland - Sverige - Schweizi - Syria
Taiwan (see Republic of China) - Tajikistan - Tanzania - Tatarstan - Thailand - Togo - Tonga - Trinidad and Tobago - Tunisia - Tyrkia - Turkmenistan - Tuvalu
Uganda - Ukraine - United Arab Emirates - Tuluit Nunaat - Naalagaaffeqatigiit - Uruguay - Uzbekistan
Vanuatu - Vatican City (Holy See) - Venezuela - Vietnam
Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo) - Zambia - Zimbabwe